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AML Urgently Needs Your Help

Outlook for patients with AML remains unacceptably low - just 5% of people aged 65 and over will expect to live for 5 years or more post diagnosis

Symptoms of AML are largely non-specific and may be misdiagnosed during the early stages of the disease. Many patients fail to be diagnosed until it is too late.  


We must learn to spot the symptoms of AML earlier to ensure more patients receive timely access to treatment



If the disease is picked up in time, treatment options remain limited. Current therapies are hindered by severe toxicity, restricting their utility to only a faction of patients deemed fit enough to withstand intensive treatment. Even with successful therapy, patients often relapse. To improve patient outcomes, we need access to more effective and less toxic drugs for patients with AML. 


We must ensure more patients receive timely access to clinical trials investigating novel AML therapies


Action AML is focused on saving lives by ensuring patients with AML receive the RIGHT TREATMENT within the RIGHT TIMEFRAME 

Action AML UK is a family charity founded in memory of Thomas Douglas Daniels, who was diagnosed with AML in June 2017. 


The charity’s key focus is to improve outcomes in AML within the next 5 years through the following key objectives: 


  • Improve awareness of the symptoms of AML through the ‘6 Bs Campaign’ 

  • Decrease time from diagnosis to accessing the right treatment through the ‘24/72 Campaign’

  • Increase the number of patients on clinical trials

  • Increase investment into AML centred research

  • Improve public understanding of AML 

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