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Improving patient
outcomes in AML
AML Urgently Needs Your Help
Acute Myeloid Leukaemia "AML" is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer and is notoriously difficult to spot.
AML progresses rapidly, if not picked up in time, this cancer can kill in as little as days to weeks.
We must improve public awareness of AML to ensure more patients are diagnosed within the right timeframe and receive the right treatment, helping to save lives
UK survival lower than US & EU average
survival as low as 5% in over 65s
Incidence up by 29% since the 1990s
Action AML is focused on saving lives by ensuring patients with AML receive the RIGHT TREATMENT within the RIGHT TIMEFRAME
AML Needs Your Help
Just 14% of men diagnosed with AML will expect to live for 5 years or more
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